Wednesday, October 21, 2009

To All Adoptees' & Triad Members

I was born in Ft Worth TX on May 31, 1958 at Volunteers of  America Maternity home and relinquished   for adoption on June 5, 1958 just 5 days later. Yet I was not released to my adopted family until the 21st of June the same year because I was "tense". Today my diagnoses would have been much different. It would have been "suffering from withdrawal from barbiturates.

My non-identifying information included my 1st mother's medical records (Minus names of course) and from what I could tell it was good reason to believe this diagnoses because she had been fed large amounts of Seconal and Lithium for the whole 4 months she stayed at the home to keep her calm..

It also mentioned that she stayed at the home until the day after I was placed into my adoptive home, refusing to leave me until she was assured I had been released to my adoptive family. Something she dreaded but could not do anything about because of her situation.

She was not a young teenager but a 28 year old woman with 2 older children, a boy 8 and a girl 6, at the time of my birth. She knew what to expect and it must have been horrible for her.

I will tell more of her story in a later posting.

Every thing I know I found in my social history. It was nothing like what I had been told my whole life growing up. My adopters claim to have been told the "fairytale", a common one known to us all, and claim to have had no knowledge of the information I discovered in my non-ident. I was never sure I believed them though, and after I tell you more of my story you will understand why.

Until then...

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